A perfect storm has been brewing for some time. As the employment picture changes with each new political party or worldwide event, a constant theme in the U.S. is creating a problematic situation.
People are aging in the U.S. By 2019, people over the age of 65 represented 16% of the population, more than one in every seven people. By 2040, the number of people over 65 is expected to grow to 21.6%.
And people are living longer, which means they need to work for many more years in numerous cases to cover health care and other costs. Many older adults do work, want to work, and desire to get back into the workforce.
What is holding them back? Rampant ageism in employment.
You may be thinking to yourself that discrimination against someone in employment due to their age is illegal. And you are correct. You can't avoid ageism, but some techniques and strategies will require effort and ingenuity to keep a job or get a new one. We will show you how.
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) states: “The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) forbids age discrimination against people who are age 40 or older. The law prohibits discrimination in any aspect of employment, including hiring, firing, pay, job assignments, promotions, layoff, training, benefits and any other term or condition of employment.” Unfortunately, only 3% of older workers have ever made a formal complaint of age discrimination. There are several reasons for this:
In 2019 an AARP survey found that:
These numbers are estimates, and it is impossible to know how many older adults lose job opportunities based on their age. Sophisticated algorithms weed out older online applicants, or in an interview, you could be dismissed because you look older.
You may be familiar with ageism in your current job or in looking for one. Internalized ageism can make it challenging even to notice when you are the victim of age discrimination. You should report any blatant age discrimination to the EEOC. Some common symptoms of ageism in the workplace:
You may have heard the saying that the dancer Ginger Rogers had to do everything Fred Astaire did but backward in high heels. That describes what women face in the employment environment - the double whammy - their gender and age. Federal law prohibits discrimination based on gender, just like it does age.
Complicating matters for women is the fact that they are the primary caregivers. Men are caregivers, too, but women bear the brunt of caregiving in the United States. According to the New York Times, the percentage of women in the workplace stalled 20 years ago, and taking care of older relatives plays a major role.
The lack of paid leave and little nationwide support for caregivers means that many women have left employment or reduced it. Since women make less than men for the same work, this hampers their long-term financial stability. And many of these women have children at home as well.
All of the strategies we discuss in the next section apply to women as well, with these added suggestions:
You can't control everything, and as much as you want to “be yourself,” actively engaging with your job will help keep you excited and maintain your relevance. Try not to have an attitude that your employer should be happy to have you. The fact is, and as unfair as it might be, you have to fight to compete for the job you already have.
Internalized ageism is insidious and damaging to your self-esteem and confidence. Much of internalized ageism is the kind of self-talk that pervades your thinking and affects your actions. Recognize the role media plays in perpetuating ageism. Replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations about your abilities and skills.
Taking care of yourself has many benefits beyond portraying a positive impression in the workplace. You will look and feel more energetic. Women are accustomed to the expectation that they look sharp and professional on the job. Men generally get away with more casual attire, but as you age, staying fit and looking like the pro you are can positively affect others' perceptions of you and your work performance.
As an older employee, don't perpetuate stereotypes by resisting change. Dive in and learn new technology or be willing to pivot if that is what is required. Give your opinion and stay engaged in the company culture.
Try not to get into turf battles or think you know more because you have seniority. Stay open to the ideas and communication styles of younger coworkers. Show that you are willing to engage and collaborate with your younger colleagues.
Regardless of your job, continue to learn through online courses or reading. Learning keeps you stimulated, and you have something to contribute to the workplace.
Getting back into the workforce will take some effort and a lot of rejection unless you are lucky. Keep at it - looking for employment can be a full-time job, but we have some tips to make your search a success.
Freshen your resume by reviewing examples of resumes on Monstor.com, Canva, LinkedIn, Indeed and other employment sites. Eliminate outdated terms. Don't state your age and only highlight the last 10-15 years of employment. You can put your degrees without identifying the year you graduated. Emphasize hobbies, volunteer work and activities. Use vibrant and energized language to convey interest and excitement. Craft your resume for each specific job if you can.
If you already have a social media presence, that's great, but check to make sure it is appropriate and up to date. An employer will undoubtedly review your sites.
If you don't have any social media accounts, now is the time to get started; at the very least, create a LinkedIn profile. You can also set parameters on LinkedIn for job searches. If you are interested in a specific industry, join a Facebook or LinkedIn group to network and get your name out there.
If there is a specific company you are interested in, do your homework and find out everything you can about them. Tailor your resume and your interview responses to that particular company. Also, take a flexible approach to employment. You may not be able to land the job you want, but another opportunity could be viable and surprisingly satisfying.
Few jobs don't entail a grasp of technology. Most job descriptions will outline the technology they expect you to have competence in. If you need to brush up, there are plenty of online courses on everything from Excel to Google Docs, Slack and Trello.
Suppose you make it as far as an interview, that is great! Now you have to nail it. Remember that the human attention span is less than it was years ago. Keep your answers concise and clear.
Acquaint yourself with video conferencing platforms for the interview (consider lighting and your appearance). Don't overdress: You may be shocked to see that the person who interviews you is a 30 something woman or man casually dressed. Don't oversell your years of experience - it makes you seem old.
Address the elephant in the room - why you have not worked in a while. Stay positive and not apologetic. Focus on your future goals, not just what you have achieved in the past. Highlight your experience, commitment and passion for the job you are applying for.
Women in particular face this question more than men do. Opinions vary on whether you should color your hair or otherwise appear younger. Going to lengths to appear more youthful is a personal decision. Some people strongly feel that you do what you have to do, and others think this tactic perpetuates aging stereotypes.
Starting your own business can be challenging, but you may be surprised to find out that people over the age of 55 own 50.9% of small businesses in the United States. According to Forbes, “With a wealth of knowledge gained over years of experience, older Americans are well-positioned to put that experience to work building businesses of their own making. And with the average American living well past the traditional retirement age of 65, many start businesses to extend careers or, in some cases, to try a path not taken earlier in life.”
And then there is consulting and freelancing. Think about whether your skillset and talents lend themselves to consulting and freelance work. More and more companies are willing to contract out work, and remote work is more popular than ever.
Returning to the workforce or continuing to keep the job you have as you age requires a fresh perspective. Growing, learning, and personal and professional development will keep you relevant and enthusiastic. Remind yourself of your experience and skills while engaging in continuous professional improvement.
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